Joint Press Statement issued at the launch of the "Return Enslaved Ugandan Girls" Campaign

JOINT PRESS STATEMENT ON THE LAUNCH OF THE CAMPAIGN ON LABOUR JUSTICE UNDER THE THEME; “RETURN ENSLAVED UGANDAN GIRLS!” Presented by: TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERS NETWORK- AFRICA (TRANET- AFRICA) AND CENTRE FOR PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (CEPARD) UGANDA YOUTH ALLIANCE FOR FAMILY PLANNING AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH (UYAFPAH) STUDENTS FOR GLOBAL DEMOCRACY- UGANDA CHAPTER (SGD) , TEAM7 AND THE YOUTH CONSORTIUM FOR LABOUR JUSTICE (YOKOLAJ) ON THE 12 TH AUGUST 2016 AT TRANET-AFRICA SECRETARIAT PLOT 15 VUBYA CLOSE NTINDA-NAKAWA ROAD KAMPALA, UGANDA For More information on the Campaign, send us an email at or at the above physical address BACKGROUND: We note and acknowledge the effort that government through its different agencies has put in place to combat human trafficking, create jobs, and create favorable and friendly working conditions and environments for the Ugandans domestically and abroad. Specifically we w...