The release of Nelson Mandela from prison after 27 years, not only took the world by surprise, but also left a lot more burden to him and his colleagues who were involved in the anti-apartheid struggle to reform the country’s political landscape and the ethnic divides as well the economic quagmire. If his statement, “after climbing a great hill, you realize that there are many more hills to be climbed” is something to go by, we can say that the Transformative Leaders Network- Africa (TRANET AFRICA) has not only climbed another hill, but also set foot to climb more other hills. 

In 2008, FOWODE’s LBI alumni came together and formed an association known as the FOWODE Young Leaders Alumni Association (FYLAA) with a vision of a society where the leadership upholds the ideals of social justice and gender equality and set out on a mission to build a strong cadre of young leaders who promote gender equality and social justice through capacity building, advocacy, net-working and research. 

Unlike in the past, the mandate of running the organization and managing its activities solely lay on the politically elected executive team. Thought-out the many years of that arrangement, the association with an affiliation to its mother organization, encountered many challenges that necessitated reforms. 

With the changing tides in the civil society and donor environment among others, on the 8th of December 2016, at an emergency meeting, members moved to adopt a resolution to amend the constitution to rebrand and restructure the organization and is now the Transformative Leaders Network- Africa (TRANET Africa)

The restructuring and rebranding process that was highly consultative, also gave the rise to a new organizational management. TRANET Africa is today a robust membership and network organization that has a General Assembly that is the main policy making organ. Below the General Assembly is the Board of Directors
(the first of its kind) which undertakes policy implementation. The day-to-day running and management of the affairs of the Organization are vested on the Secretariat headed by the Coordinator and assisted by a number of permanent and temporary staffs. This current arrangement not only means that TRANET Africa becomes independent in its decision making process from the mother organization, but also solely accountable to those they work with closely.
Throughout the next five years, in line with our strategic plan, 2016-2021, TRANET Africa shall focus its energies in critical areas on policy lobby band advocacy, the employment and livelihoods development of especially the marginalized groups, grassroots democracy and human rights and inclusiveness in several sectors. 

It would be rude to not only acknowledge the effort of many people and institutions, especially the Forum for women in Democracy (FOWODE) our mother organization and current host for the nurturing and continued support. We also acknowledge the role and effort played majorly by the outgone executive team that tirelessly played a great role in its transition from an association to a fully-fledged organization. There many people and institutions that have worked with us and whereas we may not be able to mention them, we dearly recognize their role and seek from their continued support. 

We believe that we cannot achieve a lot without external and internal support. It is on that ground that we call upon interested entities, both institutional and individual to support us, either in kind or otherwise. 

With this tide, we are convinced that the sky being the limit would not only be illusional, but also discouraging since we are determined more than ever before to go beyond the sky to other planets and spread the gospel of alternative and transformative leadership. We are empowered to lead and transform society. 

For more information, to donate to us and or partner with us, please send us an email on or follow us on twitter @tranetafrica or by phone +256777260171. You could drop by our secretariat at plot 15 Vubya Close Ntinda- Nakawa Road within the FOWODE premises in the behind building.  

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